Blog #251 Return of the Osprey: on their way home
I look forward to the Osprey coming home in the spring like most kids anticipate Christmas. To me they are the true harbingers of spring. Knowing that the Salt Point Ospreys will be returning home in only a few short weeks helps me get through these last bleak days of winter. The Osprey Cam needs the installation of a microphone and seasonal repair completed before Orpheus’ and Ophelia’s return to Salt Point. The question is, when will they arrive at Salt Point this year? The pair used to be regular like the swallows of Capistrano, arriving on the same date, April 5, every year. In 2016, however, Orpheus arrived on April 1, and it has been getting earlier each year since. Last year, Orpheus surprised me by arriving on March 15 th . What we do know is that they are on their way. Below is a photograph of an Osprey spotted in south-east Baltimore County, MD, yesterday. First Osprey of the season seen in southeast Baltimore County, MD, courtes...