Blog # 282 What it is like to be an adult Osprey? Part 3 Inner Messages
Many of us look to the sky to see a flock of birds flying by assuming they were like robots going about their business. Robots, indeed! Birds are living, breathing, thinking, sensing animals not that different than for us humans in many ways. An Osprey’s experience is far richer, more complex, more deliberate, and thoughtful way than humans ever imagined. Their lives are filled with obligations and risks, posing challenges to surviving and having a successful family life. Ophelia gently feeding fish to Lucky (left) while Hope waits (right). Screenshot from the Salt Point Osprey Nest Cam. Ospreys interact with the environment and make decisions constantly. Nest building, for example, is instinctive and even nestlings get into the act, moving sticks and grass around. The decision of where to build a nest is based on numerous parameters involving food availability, visibility, available substrates, and protection from...