
Showing posts from January, 2022

Blog #365 New Year’s Resolutions: Reduce Plastic Use

Plastic pollution in lakes and rivers, courtesy of Getty Images.  New Year’s Resolutions like giving up sweets or losing weight typically falter by the  end of January. But a New Year’s resolution to help the Earth can be kept and not  forgotten. Resolving to reduce your plastic footprint seems easy: just stop using plastic. Keep it out of your life, out of our lake! Divorcing yourself from plastic can be challenging, however, because plastic is so ingrained in our lives. Where do begin? Anywhere! Don’t get overwhelmed by all the possibilities of what you could do, and just pick one area of your life and start there, one small step at a time. Once mastered, move on.  Volunteer picking up garbage along the Salt Point shoreline in Lansing to keep it from entering the lake. The #1 reason that New Year’s Resolutions fail is that people set goals that are too  lofty. Break them down into smaller, more manageable steps. You don’t have to be  plastic-free by the e...