Blog # 368 Winter Waters
Water temperature in Cayuga Lake in the winter, modified from The wind has been howling all day across the lake and snow squalls shrouded us in snow up until a half-hour ago. As the sky clears, the east shore slowly comes into view. What is it like living in the depths below Cayuga’s cold and stormy surface? At the beginning of winter water temperatures in Cayuga Lake are a uniform 39ºF. Plunging temperatures and winds chill the water surface until it is 32ºF causing it to freeze. Ice is about 9% less dense than water—one of water’s stranger properties— causing the ice to float. These thermal stratifications or layers remain throughout the winter. If water were most dense as a solid, lakes would freeze from the bottom up, eventually freezing solid. In that case, little or nothing would survive in the lake. Winter stratification persists because ice and snow cover prevents blowing winds from mixing the water and acts to ...