Blog # 426 How to Spot an Ospreys
Fledgling female Osprey with a catfish, courtesy of Cindy and Karel Sedlacek. The Osprey ( Pandion haliaetus ) is unmistakable when flying across Cayuga Lake with crooked-wings and when performing its spectacular plunge dive after fish. Yet this graceful apex predator is often confused with a few local look-alikes. AVIAN DOPPELGĂ„NGERS Many birders have trouble identifying Ospreys in flight when they only get a glimpse of a moving bird without time to note field marks. Ospreys are often confused with bald eagles, red-tail hawks, and large gulls. Second-year bald eagles are often mistaken for Ospreys, especially when they are testing out an Osprey nest early in the year. Depending on their position and the lighting, the eagle’s undersides can easily resemble that of an Osprey except for two features—the feet and wingspread. The eagle’s feet are bright yellow compared to the Osprey’s white feet with dark talons. More noticeable is the size difference between the species. Alth...