Blog #263 A day at the nest

 Ophelia preening just after sunrise with eyes closed (notice the white eyelid)  as she incubates. Snapshot from the Salt Point Osprey Cam. 

Ophelia and Orpheus are outstanding, attentive parents, directing all their energy toward their brood. In the past, Orpheus would give Ophelia breaks from incubating at meal times and occasionally in between, but he never showed a huge interest in it. This year, it is totally different—he’s become Mr. Mom.  

Orpheus typically gives Ophelia a break from incubating at mealtimes. However, this season, Orpheus tries to incubate every few hours and will even try to push Ophelia off the eggs for the privilege. Likewise, Ophelia frequently has to get physical with Orpheus to regain her position incubating. Ospreys are single-minded, determined, and even stubborn birds; Ophelia and Orpheus are not exceptions. Now that Orpheus has decided he wants to incubate, too, the pair has minor pushing matches on the nest.

Orpheus pushing Ophelia off her eggs. Snapshot from the Salt Point Osprey Cam.

Ophelia brings a stick to the nest while Orpheus incubates in the spring snow.  Snapshot from the Salt Point Osprey Cam. 

Just after Ophelia brought a stick to the nest, the nest was approached by an intruder  Osprey. Initially, the pair gave alarm calls and Orpheus beat his wings furiously  

Orpheus beating his wings, displaying to ward off the intruder.  

Snapshot from the Salt Point Osprey Cam.

while on the perch to counter the threat. However, the intruder proceeded closer to the nest, putting the pair on high alert. Orpheus was poised for a chase. The intruder persisted, making a violent attempt to mount Ophelia as she incubated. A Ophelia aggressively rebuffed the attack, and Orpheus chased him away. 

Ophelia incubates and Orpheus postures as the intruder comes closer. Snapshot from the Salt Point Osprey Cam.

The intruder attacks and is rebuffed. Snapshots from the Salt Point Osprey Cam.

The pair settles after the attack. Ophelia tends the eggs.  

Snapshots from the Salt Point Osprey Cam. 

It took the pair a while to calm down after the stressful event. Ophelia immediately began incubating, but Orpheus remained in a high state of readiness. An hour later, with the threat resolved, Orpheus went fishing, and life at the nest returned to normal. 

Watch the action live on the Salt Point Osprey Nest Cam.  

Eyes to the sky! 


Candace E. Cornell 

Friends of Salt Point

Lansing, NY 


On Osprey Time (blog) 

Ospreys of Salt Point 


Cayuga Lake Osprey Trail 



Salt Point Osprey Nest Cam


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