Blog # 273 Lucky
Lucky, Ophelia’s second hatchling, was born Monday morning, after 40 days of incubation. Forty days is usually the limit of gestation of an Osprey egg so it was coming down to the wire. The third egg has until May 30 to hatch if it is viable. At this rate. It’s looking good that it will.
The two nestlings are difficult to distinguish as they huddle next to the third egg.
Salt Point Osprey Cam screenshot.
The two hatchlings, Hope (6 days old) and Lucky (1 day old). Salt Point Osprey Cam screenshot. Orpheus brings a sucker for the family. Hope, 5-days old, just before Lucky hatched. Salt Point Osprey Cam screenshot.
My concern about the eggs was that the cold wet weather we had in April and May could have rotted them, but the eggs seem to be fine. But weather worries continue.
Orpheus brings a large fish to his young family. Salt Point Osprey Cam screenshot. The young hatchlings cannot thermoregulate until they are 2-3 weeks old and must depend on their mother’s body for warmth. The young hatchlings are vulnerable to cold, wet weather and often die if they get wet. Heavy rainstorms, especially if they last for several days, can soak the young and the nest cup. In the Massachusetts colony studied by ornithologist Alan Poole, 20-30% of the chicks can perish within a few days of a severe rainstorm.
Investigations show that some nests stay drier than others in such severe storms, perhaps due to the way they were constructed or how efficiently the females brood. However, much of this weather-related hatchling loss depends on whether the male can provide enough fish to the family in such bad weather. Orpheus at Salt Point has an extra advantage to providing for his family. When Cayuga Lake is stormy and too difficult to fish, Orpheus usually pulls out a bullhead from the murky waters of Salmon Creek to feed the family.
Eyes to the sky!
Candace E. Cornell
Friends of Salt Point
Lansing, NY
On Osprey Time (blog)
Ospreys of Salt Point
Cayuga Lake Osprey Trail
Salt Point Osprey Nest Cam
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